Welcome aboard to my Fall '10 blog for FSU's DIG3725: Game Design course. Feel free to browse what I find along the
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Homework 15: Where are We? -- Game Update 2

Hi everyone, what have I done and what am I currently working on to further Ro, Team 1's game for DIG3725?
- Team Game Document: I wrote the ideas of our team in an on-going game document to organize our game design a little. The document includes overall game descriptions, object descriptions, game and character concept art, a designer's chat section, suggestions box(which is open to anyone!), as well as many other examples of what various members of our team have done so far.

- Concept Art & Blueprints: I designed the concept art for Ro based on both my own ideas and the ideas of my group members.
Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFireUnlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFireUnlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFireUnlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

- Character Design part 2: Both I and another member of my group are designing the characters for Ro. Currently my other teammate has demos of possible character models for the main character and scientists but I am also adding to our team's character models since we recently determined that the main character's states would need to be changed to more realistic gameplay. I am working on Ro's two forms: light and heavy. These models will need to be rigged to a for basic animations and action gameplay but the rigging will be minimalistic and only on a game need basis so make the game more playable.

Currently the heavy and light forms of Ro are a work in progress. I have created a few trial blueprints to work off of in Blender for creating the models(one example is above) and have started some of the basics of developing the characters in blender but most of the attempts so far are not very noteworthy, it takes a lot of failed attempts to get something to look good! The scale of the character has been a challenge in Blender as well as getting the mirror image to work successfully, so far the attempts at mirroring a model have ended up less than perfect.

Some examples of my work with mirroring for characters is in blog post 6 but after studying the characters more:

I found that mirroring is only useful when you understand it's full effects and that objects can also be created from a 2d point by connected point basis then extruded to make a full shape with less errored results such as the ones sometimes caused by small errors with big differences in mirroring.

Overall mirroring is more effective than the point & extrusion technique to create characters but it is also very error prone and takes a reasonable about of set-up to work correctly. I'm currently working with the point and extrusion technique for this attempt with the characters. There is a brief example in the screenshot below but it isn't very developed yet. I am basically creating an outline of connected points around the normal state of Ro which I will reorganize later to fit the other states.
- Object Modeling: I would also like to help out with the game objects and animations of those objects but right now our group is working on a piece by piece basis. It is hard to say what objects there will be and what they will do in the end right now but one of the objects I helped construct was a basic bottle Ro collects throughout the game(blog post 11). Another team member also created a bottle for the game introduction.

- Background Art: To give our game a more 2.5D feel, I am creating 2D backgrounds to be placed throughout the levels, similar to Mario's background art. I would like to make the background animated but I am not sure how feasible that is with Blender. Although I did notice under background image there are the options: "Still", "Movie", "Sequence", and "Generated" so I might be able to do something improvising with that. I am in the planning stages for the background and floor art but the following screenshots show a preview of what I have so far.

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFireUnlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

*Note: These files are composed of online reference images from various sources. No copyright infringement intended, I am using them for the sole purpose of getting ideas from different sources and going from there. The final images will be original works and at best only slightly based on any individual reference image.
- Game Poster: I plan to work on our group's game poster but am completely open for suggestions or if anyone wants to add anything. The final poster will most likely have the dimensions 36" x 48". I have not currently started on the poster for our Team but plan on working on it later this week.

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